Clermont Park Senior Living Community in Denver, CO - tulip flower 1
This year's Fourth of July, freedom might have had new resonance for Denver high schoolers, thanks to veterans from Clermont Park Life Plan Community.
Clermont Park Senior Living Community in Denver, CO - senior couple walking in park
As we are set to celebrate Founder's Day on May 10, and honor 46 years of offering services to older adults, join us in a trip down memory lane and
Clermont Park Senior Living Community in Denver, CO - white flower 1
Clermont Park WWII veterans brought history to life as they shared their experiences with South High School students in Denver.
Clermont Park Senior Living Community in Denver, CO - tulip flower 1
Brian Bortz and I were having lunch and talking about the work we are called to perform as chaplains at Clermont Park.
Clermont Park Senior Living Community in Denver, CO - tulip flower

The “Life Walks” photography exhibit opened at Clermont Park Life Plan Community on Friday, May 26. This project documented the partnerships of Clermont Park Life Plan Community residents and DU

Clermont Park Senior Living Community in Denver, CO - white flower
Clermont Park Life Plan Community visited South High School in Denver.
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