A Healthy Heart

February 6, 2019
February is American Heart Month. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the US. Making a few minor changes in your diet and sticking with those changes can have lasting effects on your heart health.

Here are a few tips on improving your heart health.

Through eating:

  • Make half your plate fruits and vegetables (try all colors of the rainbow).
  • Choose whole grains (brown rice, whole wheat bread, quinoa, barley) more often.
  • Eat fatty fish at least twice a week. Some of these fish include tuna, salmon, and trout.
  • Taste your food before you salt it. This can help in decreasing daily sodium intake.

Through movement… moving more and stressing less:

  • Try a yoga class.
  • Go for a walk with friends.
  • Check out meditation or prayer.
All of these activities can assist in lowering blood pressure. Together, a few changes in your lifestyle can make a huge impact on your health and happiness. Start small. Exercise your willpower by sticking with the changes you make. You’ll see a difference in how you think and feel! This article is by Stephanie Hathaway, RDN – Clermont Park’s Nutrition Care Manager.

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